Title: "Aunt Dana's Daddy" Author: Angela W. Rating: PG-13 Category: MSR/Humor Summary: Mulder and Scully babysit for her nephew. Timespan/Spoilers: Set immediately after "The Amazing Maleeni", but it really doesn't have much to do with that episode other than the fact that this story and the episode are both sort of lighthearted and both are set in Southern California. Also mentions events from "The Unnatural". Disclaimer: The characters in this story do not belong to me. They are the property of Chris Carter and 1013 Productions. Archive: Feel free to archive anywhere! Feedback: If it's nice or contains *CONSTRUCTIVE* criticism. If you just don't like the story, I don't want to hear about it. Special Agent Dana Scully grinned at her partner and said, "Okay, Mulder, we've agreed you owe me, right? For dragging me all the way out to California on a wild goose chase?" "Yeah, Scully, agreed. What have I let myself in for?" "You'll see," she replied. "Give me the car keys." Special Agent Fox Mulder reluctantly handed his partner the keys to their rental car. He trusted her, of course. Implicitly. But she had an impish, teasing glint in her eyes that he'd only seen a couple of times before. Generally, she was the serious one. As they headed south out of the Los Angeles area, Mulder began to experience a sense of foreboding. Unless they were going to Mexico, which seemed unlikely, the only thing due south of L.A. was San Diego and San Diego was where her brother lived. "Scully, please tell me we're not going to visit Bill Junior!" "Not unless you brought snorkeling equipment, Mulder! At the moment, he's a thousand miles off the coast and a thousand feet underwater with the crew of the submarine he's stationed on!" Mulder relaxed a little, until they approaced a familiar Naval base. "Scully, you tricked me! We *ARE* going to your brother's house!" "I never said we weren't, Mulder. I said we're not going to see Bill. We're going to visit Tara and Matthew." "Oh," said Mulder, only partially mollified. "Why?" "Why not?" Scully replied with a shrug. "She's my sister-in-law and he's my nephew. Tara happened to call me the other morning, right after you'd told me we would be investigating a case in Southern California. She suggested that, as long as we were in the area, we could come by for dinner if time permitted. Since we finished up the case this afternoon and our return flight isn't until tomorrow morning, I thought we'd do it." "You could have just dropped me off at the hotel, Scully." "The invitation was for both of us, Mulder. For a reason." "Do I get to know what it is?" Scully was quiet for a moment, then she nodded. "You were the subject of a rather intense. . .discussion when Mom and I were visiting Bill and Tara over Christmas. As you know, Bill Junior doesn't like you. But, of course, Mom and I both lo, er, like you. Bill expected Tara to be a good little wife and take his side of the argument, but she remained neutral. The only time she ever met you was right when Matthew was born and, understandably, she had other things on her mind. So she figured a chance for her to visit with both of us, while Bill was at sea, would allow her to form an opinion." "So I'm to be on my best behavior?" Mulder asked. "I don't expect you to pretend to be something you're not, Mulder. But if you could refrain from discussing aliens or suggesting military complicity in governmental conspiracies, it would probably help." "What am I supposed to talk about?" "Normal stuff. Sports. Movies. Things like that." "Scully, the only kinds of movies I watch are. . ." "Okay, not movies! Music, maybe. Or England." "England?" "There's a chance Bill and Tara may be transferred there next year. Since that's where you went to college, maybe you can give her some hints for adjusting." "Okay," Mulder nodded. Apparently this was really important to Scully, he realized. While he didn't share her faith in his ability to do "normal" he'd at least give it a try. Tara greeted them, but before she'd done more than say hello, a pint-sized whirlwind attacked Scully. "Aunt Dana, Aunt Dana!" screamed Matthew. "Hi, Matthew!" Scully replied, scooping him up and rubbing noses with him. "Who dat?" Matthew asked, pointing a sticky finger at his aunt's partner. "Mulder." "Hi, Matthew," Mulder said. "Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes. Can I get you two something to drink? Coke? Iced tea? A beer?" Tara inquired. "Iced tea will be fine for both of us," Scully replied. As soon as Tara had returned with the drinks,the phone rang. She answered and it was quickly apparent from her hushed tone and solemn expression that the news was not good. "Tara, what is it?" Scully asked as soon as the other woman hung up. "Is Bill. . ." "No. Not Bill. My best friend's husband. He's a chopper pilot, was ferrying supplies out to a carrier. They've just received news that the helicopter went down. Nobody knows who's injured, who's dead, who's okay. . . " "Go," Scully said in a tone Mulder instantly recognized. It was her I'm-not-putting-up-with-any-arguments-so-just-do-as-I-say voice. "But I invited you and Mulder. I don't want you to just leave." "We're not. We're going to stay here and take care of Matthew. Go to your friend, Tara. She needs you." Tara nodded. "Thank you, Dana." "Mama bye-bye?" Matthew asked as soon as the door had closed. "Yes, honey, Mama's gone bye-bye for a little while, but Aunt Dana and Mulder are here. And I think that dinging noise means dinner's ready." As soon as Scully and Mulder had gotten Matthew into his high chair and located plates and silverware, they sat down to eat. But the little boy held out his hands and said, "Pay". Mulder was on the verge of saying, "It's not a restaurant, kid," when Scully murmured, "Oh, of course. I almost forgot." Scully made a quick, graceful sign of the cross while Matthew made a clumsier one and Mulder sat bemused. Then Scully grasped both Mulder's and Matthew's hands and softly but clearly offered up a prayer. Mulder recognized most of the words as a traditional Catholic meal blessing, but at the end his partner added "and please allow all the men aboard the helicopter to be safely reunited with their families. Amen." She then squeezed their hands gently and made the sign of the cross again. When dinner was over, Matthew had managed to get equal parts of his meal in his tummy, smeared onto his face, hair and hands, and strewn about the kitchen. "What's your choice for clean-up duty, Mulder?" Scully asked with a smile. "You want the kid or the kitchen?" "I'll take the easy way out and go with the kitchen," Mulder answered. "You deal with Matthew." Once the kitchen was clean, Mulder followed the sounds of laughter and splashing to an upstairs bathroom. Scully had managed to get Matthew clean, but gotten herself soaked in the process. Unnoticed, Mulder leaned against the door jamb and watched his partner bathe her nephew. God, she looked happy. He tried to remember the last time he'd seen her like that. The night they'd played baseball, maybe. As Scully lifted the toddler out of the tub, she noticed Mulder standing in the doorway. "Hey!" she said with a grin. "Hey, Scully. I like the wet T-shirt look on you." For once, Mulder didn't bother to hide his interest, letting his gaze wander openly across the thin cotton plastered against her breasts. He fully expected Scully to respond with her customary, "Shut up, Mulder" so what she did next caught him by surprise. Whipping the shirt over her head, she threw it at him, the saturated material hitting him directly in the face. "Go put that in the dryer while I locate pajamas for Matthew and a T-shirt of Tara's for me to wear." Mulder smiled at his pretty partner, who was now wearing nothing but a lacy bra above her waist. "Yes Ma'am!" he answered. Scully went into the master bedroom and grabbed a T-shirt out of one of the drawers. She noticed that her bra was soaked, as well, so she removed it before slipping the shirt over her head. Mulder was at the bottom of the stairs when he heard Scully's voice call out "Hey, G-Man!" "Yeah, G-Woman?" he asked, looking up. "Toss this in the dryer with my shirt," she said, dropping her bra onto his upturned face. Mulder laughed and nodded. By the time he had located the dryer and put the items in, Scully and Matthew were back downstairs, playing with blocks. Mulder joined them, but couldn't resist teasing her. "You know, Scully, it's been a long time since a woman threw her undergarments at me. But if memory serves correctly, once a lady starts tossing her lingerie in a gentleman's direction, it usually indicates that she wants to," "Mulder, shut up!" Scully said. "No, no, Aunt Dana," Matthew scolded solemly. "No tay tut up. Not nice." "Oh, am I not supposed to say that?" Scully inquired. "Tay torry," Matthew commanded. Scully glanced over at her grinning partner, who was obviously getting a huge kick out of watching her be corrected by a toddler. She remembered a trick from her childhood days with her siblings: when backed into a corner and forced to apologize, overdoing it is more dramatic than underdoing it. "Mulder, I'm so very, very sorry for saying that to you," she said in a breathy whisper, while leaning close to his face. "Can you ever forgive me?" "Of course, Scully," Mulder said. "Give a kiss," Matthew ordered. Your Dad ever gets wind of this, son, he's going to ground you for life, Mulder thought with a grin. He put his hand to the back of Scully's neck and tugged gently. She kissed him lightly on the lips, then smiled at him and redirected her attention to Matthew. A few minutes later, as Mulder was stretched out on his hands and knees, reaching for a block that had skittered under the couch, Matthew clapped his hands and said, "Horsey!" "Huh?" asked Mulder. "He wants you to give him a horseyback ride," Scully explained. Without waiting for her partner to respond, she lifted Matthew up onto Mulder's back. The little boy grabbed Mulder's shirt and hung on. Mulder began roaming around the house, making appropriate neighing sounds while Matthew chuckled with glee. Scully watched with a smile on her face. God, Mulder looked happy. She tried to remeber the last time she'd seen him like that. The night they'd played baseball, maybe. Eventually, Matthew gave a huge yawn. "What say we pick up the toys, then I'll read you a book?" Scully suggested. Once Matthew had selected a book, Scully settled comfortably in the rocking chair with her nephew on her lap. She read the story, then murmured softly to Mulder, "Turn off the lamp". She rocked Matthew quietly in the dim light, until his even breathing indicated he'd fallen asleep. "Want me to help you get him up to bed?" Mulder asked softly. "If you can just help me out of the rocking chair, I think I can handle it," she replied. Mulder slid one hand to the small of her back and grasped her upper arm with the other, and she stood up without loosening her grip on Matthew. Scully carried him upstairs to bed and dropped a kiss lightly on his forehead, then returned downstairs. "I'm going to grab my clothes out of the dryer, then return Tara's shirt to her room. Back down in a minute," she said. When Scully returned, Mulder had picked up the blocks and was sitting in the rocking chair. He reached out and grabbed her wrist as she walked by, tugging gently to pull her into his lap. Scully smiled as she snuggled against him. "Are you going to rock me to sleep now?" she asked in an amused voice. "Maybe," Mulder said calmly. Then he added, "You know, Matthew's a smart kid. He had the common sense not to ask you to sing to him." Scully giggled and punched her partner lightly on the shoulder. "Mulder, shut up!" "Ooh, Scully! I think you did that on purpose. You *KNOW* what the house rules penalty is for saying shut up!" "Matthew's not awake," she pointed out. "He could overhear. You never know with kids. And if you didn't follow through it could cause him to be maladjusted or something. Trust me, Scully, I'm a psychologist." "You're a sneak, that's what you are," she replied. "But. . .okay. Mulder, I'm *VERY* sorry for saying that to you." Then she leaned in and kissed him on the mouth. This time the kiss was longer and deeper then the previous one. Of course, this time they were lacking their pint-sized audience! When they finally came up for air, Scully smiled softly into Mulder's eyes, then settled her head on his shoulder. "This is nice," she said softly. "Mmm?" asked Mulder, not sure exactly what she meant. "Kissing while I'm sitting on your lap. It's easier this way than when we're standing up. I don't feel like I'm about to break my neck!" Mulder chuckled. "Yeah, that ten-inch height differential can be a killer." Scully was silent after than and Mulder presumed from her even breathing that she had, indeed, fallen asleep. Her ability to fall asleep in odd places and under unusual circumstances never failed to amaze him. It was such a contrast to his own frequent insomnia. It was kind of sweet actually. The fact that she was willing to sleep beside him - even in a strictly literal sense of the word - indicated a trust that he valued. He moved his hand up to her brilliant hair and stroked it gently. "Love you," Scully murmured. "Huh?" Mulder asked. Had Scully really said what he thought she'd said? Even if she'd said the words, was she speaking to him? For all he knew, the familiar surroundings of Navy base housing could have triggered a dream of her childhood. Maybe she thought it was her father stroking her hair. Scully smiled against her partner's neck. Not going to let me get away with murmuring it while pretending to be asleep, are you, Mulder? she thought. Scully raised her head and looked into Mulder's eyes, a soft smile playing about her lips. "Mulder," she began, only to hear the sound of the door opening. "Dana? Mulder?" Tara called. "We're right here, Tara," Scully said, getting up and switching on the lamp. "What happened with your friend's husband?" Tara sighed and smiled. "He's going to be okay. He was able to get down real low before the chopper crashed. The whole crew survived. They've got a touch of hypothermia, but otherwise are fine." "That's great," Scully said. "We really probably ought to get going. Our flight back to Washington leaves early tomorrow morning." "Would you rather just spend the night here?" Tara asked. "Matthew wakes up the whole household at the crack of dawn, anyway, so you should be in plenty of time to make your flight." Scully glanced at Mulder, one eyebrow raised. "I think it would be better if we went ahead and drove to L.A. tonight," Mulder said. "The traffic will be lighter now than it would be in the morning. Not to mention we don't have our suitcases with us." "Bye, Tara," Scully said, kissing the other woman on the cheek. "Bye, Dana. Thanks for everything. Bye, Mulder." Later that week, Scully spoke to her sister-in-law on the phone again. After exchanging pleasantries, Tara said, "You and Mulder made quite an impression on Matthew. He's been talking all week about how the two of you played to him and read to him and stuff." "We had fun. I'm just sorry you didn't get to spend more time with Mulder. I enjoyed seeing Matthew, of course, but the whole point of the evening was supposed to be for you to get a chance to form an opinion about my partner, and you barely spent five minutes with him." "Dana," Tara said softly, "Matthew clearly adores him. And my son is a pretty good judge of character." "Better than your husband?" Scully asked lightly. "In this particular case, I'd say yes. There was something else I wanted to say. . .to kind of apologize for." "Tara, we didn't mind you going to your friend. Honestly." "Not that," Tara said. "Later when I came home and offered to let you spend the night. I should have made it clear that I wouldn't have been. . .judgmental about your choice of sleeping arrangements." "Huh?' "Well, as you know, we only have the one guest bedroom. With a double bed in it. I wouldn't have insisted that one of you sleep on the couch." "Tara," Scully began, then hesitated. Better not get into trying to explain the complex, shifting relationship between Mulder and herself. Especially when she wasn't sure she understood it herself! "really, that had nothing to do with it. It was just that we didn't want to wake up in the morning without being able to brush our teeth or put on clean underwear." "Okay, then. I hear Matthew waking up from his nap, so I'd better be going. Tell Mulder we said hello. Talk to you later." "Bye." A couple of weeks later, Bill Junior returned home. The second day he was back was a Sunday and, as was the family's custom, their blessing at dinner was somewhat longer than it was at weekday meals. In addition to thanking God for their food, they also thanked Him for Bill's safe return and for various family members such as Granny and Granddad, Grandma, Uncle Charles and Aunt Dana. "And Mudder," Matthew chimed in. "Mother?" asked Bill Junior. "No. MUDDER!" Matthew insisted. "Who's Mudder, honey?" Tara asked her son. "Aunt Dana's Daddy," Matthew explained, obviously confused as to how his parents could be so dense. "Oh. Mulder. Yes. Thank you, God, for Mulder." Bill Junior rolled his eyes, but added a quick "Amen", made the sign of the cross and began to serve. Later, after dinner, Bill asked Tara, "Would you please explain to me why we're now adding my sister's lamebrained partner to our family prayers?" "I told you. He and Dana came by a couple of weeks ago when they were on a case in Los Angeles. I invited them to dinner, but ended up pressing them into service as babysitters when Joe's chopper went down." "Yes, I know all that. But why does Matthew think Mulder is Dana's father?" "He doesn't." "Tara, I heard him. Matthew called Mulder Aunt Dana's Daddy." "Bill, Matthew thinks you're *MY* Daddy! And he thinks my father is my mother's Daddy. Children his age don't grasp the concept of husbands and wives. They think every couple - even ones without children - consists of a "Mommy" and a "Daddy". "Are you trying to tell me Matthew thinks Mulder and Dana are married?" Bill demanded. "Apparently," Tara answered with a smile. Author's e-mail addy: tapw63@hotmail.com